Thursday, May 7, 2009 | 12:43 AM |


IN general, its a unique identification code that is stored in a chip on a RFID tags as a products goes through a supply chain and its often called as the "Next Generation Bar Code".Its was created AUTO-ID Center that was eventual successor to the bar code.
The information is not directly store inside the code but the code serve as a reference of networked places/ internet based or so called a "ADDRESS" for the computer to find information on the internet.
EPC consist of manufacture identifier, product identifier and a item serial number. its was designed to uniquely identifiy each item manufactured or produced by sale.

[[HOW TO READ 96 bit EPC]]
* HEADER-8 bits
*MANUFACTURER- 24 bits or 16 million+ uniques IDs
*PRODUCT SERIAL NO.( SKU)- 24 bits or 16 million+ unique IDs
*SERIAL NUMBER- 40 bits or 1 million+ IDs
The 3rd Party which is the SKU/ Product serial code allow every encounter item to unique identified.
[[ EPCgobal]]
Its a non profit joint venture sett by Uniform Code Council, which licenses the EPC technologies developed by the Auto-ID Center and the EAN International. its is conside a umberlla prganisation that overseea local chapeter that will work with companies to encourage the adoption of technologies
[[Initial Benefits of EPC]]
the biggest benefits of this will be the cutting down of cost in the supply chain
[[WHY EPC Important]]
it could dramatically improve the efficiency within the supply chain. the vision of it was to create a nearly perfect supply chian visibility which was to clearly track or check every item anywhere in the supply chain securly in the real time and with the help of RFID it would also highly reduce human error. Intsead of scanning or typing the item can communicate directly in the inventory system.
♥ WhatEverMyNameIs