2nd week lesson
Sunday, May 3, 2009 | 12:35 AM |

ok let me blog about what have i learn in the lesson on RFID in last week...
according to walmarts 29 week reseach on the store with RFID and store without RFID, it found that with RFID store replenishe three time faster than others furthermire walmart also saw 10% reduction in manual orders which also means a reduction of excess inventory.
* its tag contain read-write option which means data stored on a RFID can be modified by autorised users, there isnt any limits of data storage however barcode are restricted to 50 bytes and it can be reuse again and again.
*can read numerous tags at a goal and there isnt any tight controls of where RFID should be positioned unlike barcode labels, the only requirement is that the tag must be within the fields og the reader and should not block by metal or water.
*RFID technology are currently used as a asset, doucment and software tracking.
*in tracking assets it able to greatly reduce the loss or misplacement of goods ,minimise shrinkage and provide additional security for tagged item.
* by implementing RFID its help cost reduction, improve efficiency and better visiblity of products.
* increase productivity
* reduce REWORK
however there is cons on RFID
[[RFID Disadvantages]]
*Vulnerable to damage in water, static discharge or high power magnetic surges like lighning strikes may damage the tags
*Unread tag when there is mutiple reading there maybe times when some tag would not be read and there isnt any method to define this as the object is not in sight.
*Due to RFID is still consider as a new technology , a company will need to pay lots of money to implement this technology.
*Tags may not read well if there is metal or liuid object in between the reader
*RFID is not line of sight technology therefore there is still security concerns.
*RFID work similar to cell phone as it need signal to transmit, if there is poor signal there might be poor read rate occur.
♥ WhatEverMyNameIs