★1st Week Lesson On RFID★
Saturday, April 25, 2009 | 8:41 PM | 0 Comments

Ok let me now talk about one of the module i need to learn on this sememster, RFID which also know as Radio Frequency Identification which use radio frequency waves to transmite unique signal to the tag reader.
The infrastructure of a RFID
[[A RFID tag]]
[[A RFID reader]]
[[A Predefined format of its information]]
The Core Elements of the RFID Tag
In general, a metal coil that recieves radio frequency waves from the reader. its constructions usually varies and depends on the tag itself and the frequency it operate on.Low frequency tags usually use on coils of wires whereas high frequency tags usually prints woth conducting inks
[[Intergrated Circuit]]
Its is a IC tag the recieve and release information and have some forms of processing capability.
[[The Memory]]
As what it means it is to store memory.
Passive tags-- usually small in size and get all of its power from the signal sent by the interrogator therefore its does not need any batteries and hence it is more cheaper.
Active tags--Consist not only batteries but also some kind of transmittor on the tag and hence it is larger in size and more expensive.
Semi Passive( Batteries Assisted)--its the combination of both passive and active, its provide a big advantages as the tag does not dependent on the strength of the carrier from the interrogator to power the power when it needs too and furthermore there is also the power from the batteries and hence it is able to work in greater distances.
♥ WhatEverMyNameIs
Monday, April 20, 2009 | 11:19 PM | 0 Comments
blah blah blah
♥ WhatEverMyNameIs